ingenzi changemakers cohort 2
Here are the Ingenzi Changemakers graduated in Cohort 2 with the necessary confidence and five business communication tools: Business Plan, Business Model Canvas, Elevator Pitch, PowerPoint presentation, and Theory of change.

Founder and Managing Director at Ineza Chili
I neza chili is an Agribusiness Social Enterprise that focuses on increasing the production of chili to contribute to Rwanda’s agricultural exports, and job creation for youth and women.

IsukuSoap is a social enterprise idea with a vision for becoming a manufacturing business that produces and sells high quality soaps at affordable prices. The company mission is to promote ‘Made In Rwanda’ products, sanitation and stimulate youth employment

Founder and CEO at Furniture Empire Ltd
Furniture Empire Ltd is a second hand-material retailing company based in Kigali.
It exists to help people get high quality but used furniture at a competitive price. The company also offers an exchange service.

Managing Director, Nadol House Interior Design
In partnership with Bt David Impact, Nadol aims to help vulnerable and unemployed single ladies get jobs by developing and engaging their handcrafting skills to generate income for themselves and to make a creative contribution to this interior design company.

Founder, Smart Maid Cleaning Company
Smart Maid Cleaning Company is a social enterprise idea that seeks to give families and house owners peace of mind regarding the security of their home and the safety of their children. Smart Maid will train maids to a high standard and will also insure for any damaged or stolen items caused by the deployed maid.

Founder and CEO at Vertical Hydroponic Company
Vertical Hydroponic Farming is a social enterprise idea which is at the prototype stage. This company is aimed at developing vertical hydroponic and soil-less farming using water and nutrients arranged vertically for economy of the space – an important factor in a small country with a rapidly expanding population.

Founder and CEO at Mycomms Technologies LTD
Mycoms Technologies LTD is a social enterprise that focuses on helping farmers’ cooperatives to access agricultural information, market prices, and farming skills.

Founder and Managing Director at Sky Bliss Health Care Facilities
This Social Enterprise idea is aimed at creating an online platform that will help people to access medical information related to medicines, pharmaceutical stores, and medical services.

Founder and CEO at Inkindi Clothing Brands
Inkindi Clothing Brands Ltd is a social enterprise with 3 Copyright Registered Brands (Mpinga, Mugabo and Misozi) with products ready to sell. This business also produces quality clothes and accessories at an attractive price for Rwandan people. It fits with the current national campaign ‘Made In Rwanda’.

Founder, Best Life Clinic Ltd
Best Life Clinic is a social enterprise which is providing nutrition services, disease treatment and nutritional counseling.

Founder and CEO ICT for All Ltd
ICT for All Ltd is a social enterprise company focusing on uprooting illiteracy in rural and remote areas by helping people to find ICT-based solutions.

Member, Center for Growth of Family Tyazubwenge
Center for Family Growth – Tyazubwenge is a social enterprise which promotes entrepreneurial learning. It is a platform that teaches people a range of practical skills from soap making to chicken farming; both online and hands-on skills.

Founder and Managing Director at Ubuntu Influence Africa
Ubuntu Influence Africa is a social Enterprise with the aim of unlocking the potential of young Africans. Ubuntu provides leadership coaching with an easy learning process. Currently, Ubuntu Influence Africa has a pilot program that focuses on footballers and on music and the arts; these in turn offer mentoring /coaching to children, and donate different sports skills, school materials and food where required.

Founder, Refugee Higher Education Empowerment
Refugee Higher Education Empowerment is a social Enterprise Idea that aims to help high school graduate refugees to find university scholarships and supporters of their education.

TORO TECHNOLOGIES LTD is a social enterprise which is at prototyping stage. The company focuses on manufacturing Electricity Generators, with the unique aim of providing power without the use of additional fuel.

Founder & CEO, New Hope Company
New Hope Company is a Technical and Vocational training center that focuses on developing sewing and needlework skills with the aim of creating job opportunities for unemployed young people in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.

Founder, Mount Kigali Youth Center
Mount Kigali Youth Center is a social enterprise that focuses on youth employment. This is achieved by giving young people the technical skill to use sewing machines and linking them to existing markets where they can sell their products. Most of the products will be for children such as: baby blankets, baby toys, baby backpacks, and baby aprons.

Founder and CEO at Great Chips
Great Chips is a social enterprise that plans to start an agro-processing unit that will produce potato chips. The company will help the community to reduce post–harvest loss and provide an additional market to potato farmers. The social benefits will be to reduce malnutrition and create employment opportunities to unemployed young people and women.

Founder, Gisa Farm Ltd
Gisa Farm Ltd is a poultry farm with a purpose for ending malnutrition by providing fertilized eggs to children from poor families and giving them knowledge and support to learn aspects of poultry farming.

Founder, Fashion Company
Fashion Company is social enterprise idea that will focus on designing clothes with a strong connection to Rwanda’s rich cultural heritage. The designs will come with a short explanatory booklet to inform people about the link between their purchase and Rwandan culture.

Co-Founder, Poultry Rwanda Ltd
Poultry Rwanda Ltd is asocial enterprise with a core mission of helping young people to get jobs and reduce malnutrition in rural areas by giving them chickens products (eggs, chickens) at affordable prices.

Founder, SamConnektIT Ltd
SamConnectIT Ltd is a social Enterprise company that offers the following services: IT Consulting, IT training, Development of software, and Maintenance services.

Founder, eCall Emergency response System
eCall Emergency response System is asocial enterprise which is at prototyping stage. The company is aimed at saving lives through automated calls to the emergency responders (Ambulance and Traffic Police) during road accidents.

Founder, Aloe Vera Rwanda Ltd
Aloe Vera Rwanda Ltd is a social enterprise idea that will specialize in farming Aloe plants and producing additional value by making related aloe cosmetics. This enterprise is intended to solve the problem of youth unemployment and reduce the problem of skin diseases.

Founder and Managing Director at Acacia Enterprises
Acacia Enterprises is helping start-ups and growing companies (small companies) to get financial and tax advisory services at a competitive price.

Co-Founder, Poultry Rwanda Ltd
Poultry Rwanda Ltd is a social enterprise with a core mission of helping young people to get jobs and reduce malnutrition in rural areas by giving them chicken products (eggs, chickens) at affordable prices.

Founder and CEO at Nate Company
Nate is a social enterprise offering house interior design and decoration services, with a core mission of helping people to afford customized designs and decorations of their houses. This is achieved by providing opportunities for Rwandan young people to develop their creative and design skills as employees within the company

CEO & Founder, NshakiraApp
NshakiraApp is social enterprise which is at prototyping stage. The Company aims to use a mobile application to help people to easily find houses to buy or rent. The app will also help house owners to showcase their houses to prospective customers